Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy 5 Month Birthday Mr Brody!

I can't believe that Brody is already 5 months old! He's changing by the day; he's very social, makes eye contact, smiles at the tv when he watches Mickey Mouse Club (yes he watches tv on occasion!), coos and giggles, can hold a small toy and what's most heart warming to me is that when I get him out of bed in the morning he is all smiles!

This past Thursday I had to take him to the pediatrician to have his circumscion looked at (was concerned that he might have to have the circ redone but all is good, thank the lord!). Dr Skallurud did a once over on him and noticed that he has two teeth buds on the bottom front, so it won't be long and our little guy will be teething. He's a drooling machine these days and loves his teethers, hoping that will help ease the pain as the teeth start to come in.

When Brody eats he likes to raise his left hand in the air, Jason and I always like to talk for him when he has his hand in the air...

"Power To The Little People"
"Praise the lord for a good drink of milk"

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