Sunday, July 19, 2009

Aunt Jesse, Aunt Jesse!!!

This week Aunt Jesse came to Minneapolis from Maryland to meet Brody. She arrived on Friday and left today, so it was a short trip but we loved every minute of it! On Friday night she and Jason went to the Keb Moe concert at the zoo, yesterday it was a bit chilly so we hung at home and then Jesse, Brody and I went for a 3 mile walk around Lake Calhoun and topped the walk off with a trip to YUM for a gourmet cupcake! Today, we had brunch club at Red Stone, then of course, what is a trip to MN without stopping by the world's largest mall...Mall of America. It's really good that Jesse lives far away as I think we'd be trouble together at a mall on a regular basis, we'll just leave it at that (Brody will never tell our secrets!!). Thank you so much for visiting us Aunt Jesse!

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