Our little dragon would like to wish you a very Happy Halloween!! While we didn't go out trick or treating, (after all who would eat the candy?!?) we did stop by Jen/Stacy's as well as Emily/Joe's...that was about as much as Brody could handle today. After we got two smiling pictures in the dragon costume, he refused to smile anymore while wearing it...it was almost comical as even Jason tickling him he wouldn't smile, but the minute we took off the costume...he was all smiles! Too funny really! 
Brody with Mr Pirate and the Plus Size Princess pumpkins.
Jen & Stacy w/Brody. (Jen got Brody puffs for Halloween rather than candy, Thanks Auntie J)
Stacy was raking the leaves when we arrived so we snapped several pics of Brody sitting in the pile, he was very interested in the leaves and wouldn't look up for a picture!
This photo shoot was too funny. Colin is 4.5 months old and such a cutie...Brody looks like an monster next to him.
Can't you think of a 1,000 captions for this picture. Brody is telling Colin...

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