Each year Brody's daycare has a benefit called Spring Fling, which includes several "carnival" type games and rides as well as food and a silent auction. Each year they give the proceeds to a family in need in the community. This year it happened to be a family at Brody's daycare. To make a long story short the mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, it went into remission and came back at stage 4. They normally do the benefit in June (for better weather) but the "lady" (she's my age) wasn't doing well so they moved it up so that she could hear about the benefit in her honor, unfortunately she passed away a week prior to the event (sniffle sniffle).
The day was chilly and dreary with spots of rain all day...then right before the benefit was to start, the sun came out. So while she wasn't there physically she was there in spirit. They had an incredible turn out and tons of items for the silent auction which was so nice to see the support!
Brody had a great time, the highlight was definitely the carousel horse ride. Brody hung on for dear life but had a smile the whole time. Jason had trouble getting a decent picture as it was going pretty fast.
Best we could do...Brody's watching the fun else where!

He was of course enjoying playing in the water puddles on the playground!

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