WOW is all i can say, trying to get a 22m old toddler to look at the camera and smile on command, NOT happening at our house! This was our 3rd reschedule of family pictures so we ended up just doing them at our house. Paula came around 9am and Brody was having a tough morning with tears and all but we decided to give it a shot. The pics are ok considering what we went through to get these, we'll take them. In hind sight the shoot was quiet comical with glass Christmas ornaments being thrown and shattered to tearing the Christmas tree apart, tantrams and tears...ohh Brody we love you but some days you really do give us a run for our money! Next year we'll do it in Oct so we can be outside, hopefully we'll have a more complaint toddler (I know, don't count on it right!!)!

This could have been a really cute pic but Brody cracked his head on Cam's head and
that was the end for the little baby. (last photo taken!)

This is Brody's "ohh no" face...this happened after several glass ornaments were broken!

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